Illness: Breaking Up with 2019, Prescription:Time
As the year comes to a close lots of people are talking about who and what they are leaving in 2019. While I support that narrative realistically January 1st or even 2nd isn’t going to create an overnight change. Now if you’re one of those people lucky enough to have that happen, then God bless you. The reality is that changing old habits, detoxing people out your life sometimes takes time. The initial action can be instant but the process of changing your mindset and adjusting to this new found life takes time. Gentle reminder for everyone going into the new year, don’t rush the process. Being realistic with yourself and your goals and not pressuring yourself to be a completely different person come January 1st is necessary. Wishing everyone a prosperous and toxic free New Year with 20/20 vision ( had to put it in there)
For my lovers or those leaving people in 2019, I leave you with this poem, I wrote it while dealing with a breakup and just writing it felt so therapeutic at that time. Hope you enjoy ❤️
Angel G.