Nah, I’m good

When I saw this shirt from Five Below I had to get it. It was so me, I find myself saying those very same words all the time. In the last few weeks in particular I’ve been saying it both literally and figuratively. Within the last few months my brand had grown so much and it has opened doors for different opportunities. Now I will admit that navigating as a social media influencer, an artist and a blogger is not easy. When you’re starting off you want to say yes to any and every opportunity you get, whether it be paid or not. The thing to remember though is when you get to a certain level you have to start saying no to things that aren’t going to be beneficial to you in the long run. Yes there are some things that can give you “exposure” and may put your work in front of audience that you don’t have access to but sometimes that isn’t enough. In reference to social media instagram’s algorithm in particular these days has made it difficult for small content creators, nonetheless, keep creating! Believing in my skills, my level of creativity, the time and energy that I put into everything I do while still working two jobs, I felt like I could no longer just say “yes” to everything put before me.
Not to get into too many details but I rejected a job offer recently. In the midst of a pandemic where jobs are scarce I found myself torn in between my decision. The job was making more money that what I am making now which has been a goal of mine but something in my spirit was telling me “ Nah, I’m good”. I basically chose my passion over a job and let me tell you, the saying that when one door closes another one opens literally happened for me. Shortly after I got a few booking inquiries and managed to secure some opportunities fitting to what I am passionate about. I use this example to tell you, don’t be afraid to reject what you feel isn’t for you. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and what’s for me won’t miss me. Whether it be relationships, jobs, or any opportunity for that matter. Know your worth always and stand by it.
Photographer Trell Vision