Marching into a new phase

Photo by Akio Shot Me on Instagram
Wow three months down. I feel like I am still recovering from last year but, time waits for no one. Anyway, here we are in March, one of my favorite months of the year…. my birthday month! So a little life update, this month in particular,I have transitioned from working remotely to working on site. Not going to lie, having to wake up extra few hours for my commute and prepping for breakfast has been the adjustment but I am embracing it. In addition, the fact that the pandemic is still going on means that there are still limited in person interactions. This is the reality, our new normal and it still feels uncomfortable even after a year. Last year I was not able to go to any restaurants because everything was shut down at that point, this year I can so that definitely shows progress.
This past year I have experienced a lot of changes, mostly in my mindset. I have tried my best not to worry about the things that I can not control. My motto really has been to focus on the good in my life. I believe a lot of people don’t embrace that we ultimately have control over our response to situations or events in our life. I am not discrediting moments where we may feel overwhelmed but having good coping techniques and looking at situations from a different aspect can really help. Don’t look at me as the expert, but I’ve actively tried to stay positive despite anything that is going on.
Another focus of mine is that I really want to put myself out there for more opportunities. Lot of times I have literally talked myself out of trying different things for whatever nonsense reasons. My first attempt is that I signed up to be apart of the Sephora Squad. I have worked for Sephora for about 7 years and during my time there I have learned so much about makeup, beauty and skincare. I went from being a cashier to a makeup consultant and it has created this passion inside of me. Being on this influencer journey these last few years I have really tried to reach out to my audience and create entertaining yet helpful content. All has been created out of pure passion and commitment. Getting this opportunity to be a part of a paid partnership with this brand would be a dream come true for me. I am excited and really glad that I decided to put myself out there. If my content has inspired you or you simply want to let Sephora know that I deserve this opportunity, feel free to leave a testimonial for me. As always I appreciate all the feedback and positive words, looking forward to all this year has in store for me.